Modular, Scalable Off-Sites Suite
Contributing to the development of our 10-module suite of tools for refinery off-sites and/or petrochemical terminal planning and operations, are hundreds of man-years of off-sites project engineering experience. The vast, wide-ranging offering includes inventory and movement management; accounting balance and tracking; as well as monitoring, optimising and blending.
Compliance with open industry standards makes possible the integration with existing plant and business systems, so maintaining – and enhancing – the return on investment in existing assets and systems.
Tank Farm Inventory and Movement Management
Inventory management and movement automation enhance planning, scheduling, and operational efficiency. At the same time, it reduces the risk of contamination, reprocessing and demurrage. Mass balance reconciliation and inventory information facilitate increased accuracy in yield accounting and stock loss control.
Results include increased asset utilisation, lower cost of tank farm operations, increased accuracy in inventory accounting, enhanced cash flow management and increased customer satisfaction.
Blend Control and Optimisation
One-of-a-kind off-line/on-line multi-blend optimisation technology allows for the opportunity to maximise overall blend production profit against the refinery’s true, long-term operational constraints. On-line blend control and optimisation reduce the need for re-blends.
It also minimises giveaway and component costs while ensuring that products meet quality and regulatory agency specifications.
Overall Refinery Optimisation
Refinery Operations Management is designed to enable greater agility and responsiveness. It facilitates this through the integration of complex, disparate software applications in both the supply chain and operations layers, so enabling collaborative work processes.
Refinery Operations Management integrates Refinery Off-sites with ROMeo Process Simulation, Yield Accounting, Enterprise Asset Management and Historian, as well as other applications.