Best Practices – The Best Way to Train
Making use of a robust scenario builder, training managers can make sure that pipeline controllers are learning how to do things correctly, following best practices for the running of pipelines and reacting to abnormal incidents.
Preparation For Upcoming Operations
In the lead-up to commencing a new pipeline, operators can train on a Digital Twin of the pipeline. In doing so, it is ensured that they will be well prepared and that they understand how the pipeline will operate in reality, once it goes live.
Qualification and Compliance Support
The use of training controllers is critical to a pipeline operator compliance programme. In the US, regulations 49 CFR 192 and 195 mandate simulator-based training as the number one recommended training approach.
Normal and Abnormal Operations Response
Pipeline Trainer allows controllers to train on both normal (start-up and shutdown) and abnormal (leak or communication error) operations in a safe, yet realistic non-production environment.