AVEVA Pipeline Integrity Monitor

Preventing, detecting and mitigating pipeline leaks

Experience Integrity Operations

Following a holistic approach with regards to the pipeline, commodity releases hold benefits for the public, the environment, as well as pipeline operators. Such an approach consolidates leak prevention, leak detection and leak mitigation into a complete, pipeline integrity programme.

Integrity Operations assists operators in finding the right intersection between risk, cost and safety, as new industry initiatives and standards become available. Pipeline operators have trusted AVEVA to deliver leak-detection software as a core component of their pipeline control systems for over 30 years.

AVEVA Pipeline Integrity Monitor

AVEVA Pipeline Integrity Monitor delivers comprehensive Computational Pipeline Monitoring (CPM) methodologies for detecting leaks allowing companies to select the CPM best suited for their specific pipeline.

Integrity Operations

Integrity Operations

Integrity Operations offers comprehensive Computational Pipeline Monitoring (CPM) methodologies for detecting leaks. This enables companies to select the CPM best suited for their particular pipeline.

Pipeline Leak Prevention

Pipeline Leak Prevention

Most pipeline operating companies have an Integrity Management Programme (IMP) outlining what preventative activities would be performed in order to prevent a commodity release.

These preventative activities normally take place at a set frequency. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even once a year. There are very few tools, available at present, that allow for the real-time prevention of a commodity release.

Integrity Operations fills this void by empowering pipeline operators with preventative features, such as real-time over/under pressure detection analysis. Integrity Operations was designed to prevent failures before they become incidents demanding reaction.

Pipeline Leak Detection

Pipeline Leak Detection

Integrity Operations comprises several Computational Pipeline Monitoring (CPM) methodologies. These can be applied for detecting a commodity release that has occurred.

A leak may take place as a result of various occurrences. These can include a defect somewhere along the pipeline, theft, operating outside of limits, digging near a pipeline or other causes. Integrity Operations can detect such incidents with line balance, real-time transient model (RTTM), as well as pressure/flow monitoring methodologies as outlined in API RP 1130.

These methodologies can be applied for detecting a variety of leaks or commodity releases on a specific pipeline. These include rupture, unlawful tap and shut-in leak detection. This method factors in the unique characteristics of each pipeline.

Pipeline Leak Mitigation

Pipeline Leak Mitigation

Once a commodity release has been detected, the pipeline company responsible will invoke their emergency response plan. Typically, they would dispatch emergency personnel to the leak site and inform them of the leak’s location and severity.

Integrity Operations supports the pipeline controller by providing impact assessment analysis tools. These tools perform a location analysis and assist in estimating the volume lost.