AVEVA Point Cloud Manager

Create opportunity throughout the project and operations lifecycle by managing massive amounts of 3D point cloud data.

3D Data Capture Management that is Simple, Secure & Accessible

A digital twin is only as good as the data it is made up of. To minimise risk, industrial leaders employ 3D data capture technology in order to maintain an accurate, as-is condition of the asset, as continuous change takes place throughout the operations and asset lifecycle. Be assured that the physical and digital representations are aligned, assisting you in making informed decisions, minimising project rework and improving the safety of your most important assets.

Understanding the Challenges of Capital Project Engineering & Execution

Cut down on risk & rework on site

Cut down on risk & rework on site

  • Precise as-is data allows for common surveying and inspection tasks to be carried out remotely.
  • Less man-hours on-site offer increased safety and cost-savings opportunities.
  • Train essential on-site personnel virtually, employing accurate representations of the asset.

Handle large amounts of data

Handle large amounts of data

  • Massive amounts of data can be stored, managed and accessed, offline or online, without the risk of crashing.
  • Merge the as-is point cloud data with the engineered 3D model for optimised, accurate, maintenance projects.

Capture the as-is model

Capture the as-is model

  • Maintain and manage a trustworthy source of as-is point cloud data.
  • Share asset and project intelligence to safeguard against the risk of propagating misinformation and consequential delays.

Unlock access to your data

Unlock access to your data

  • Offer remote stakeholders worldwide access to your point cloud data, with controls to manage.
  • Export data to all major CAD packages for incorporating precise as-is data into 3D models and 2D designs.
  • Available on the cloud and on-premise.

Let Global Stakeholders Access Your Data

Collaborating with LFM NetView, you will be able to process, share and output point cloud data across devices and locations across the globe.

De-risk your capital projects by applying a unified project execution approach



Bring decision-makers together and manage all commercial activity within the capital project execution phase, driving performance on high-risk assets.

AVEVA Contract Risk Management

AVEVA Everything3D

AVEVA Everything3D

Fully interoperable with all other AVEVA Engineer, Design and Information Management solutions, AVEVA Everything3D takes plant design to heights of efficiency and productivity.

AVEVA Everything3D

AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management

AVEVA Enterprise Resource Management

An ERM solution that supports the complete project execution process, from outset planning and material identification through to construction, work packaging and control.