AVEVA Information Standards Manager

Compliant, consistent project or enterprise engineering information

Information – the Lifeblood of Project Execution and Asset Management

Consistency and quality are crucially essential to every application and business process, as these aspects are becoming ever more closely integrated – and also have an information asset in common. AVEVA Information Standards Manager (AVEVA ISM™) rationalises existing class libraries while allowing for compliant and consistent information standards. It facilitates more efficient business processes while eliminating the costs and risks associated with replacing numerous individual authoring applications.

AVEVA Information Standards Manager

A stand-alone, web-based modular application that is able to:

  • Create as well as edit class libraries in its own database.
  • Compare and review class libraries created and held in third-party applications and databases.
  • Offer class library-based configuration files for the authoring of applications, allowing for consistency of information across all sources.

The Solution for EPCs

  • Minimise delays, errors and project overruns resulting from delays in locating accurate information.
  • Gain access to numerous customer class libraries in a single repository.
  • Audit compliance in adherence to contractual information standards requirements.
  • Apply and verify the use of customer- or project-specific information standards with ease.
  • Ease of collaboration with project partners, suppliers and subcontractors.

The Solution for OOs

  • A streamlined process resulting in improved data quality at handover.
  • Clear control, definition and communication of mandated information standards.
  • Safer operations as a result of improved data quality.
  • Support of assurance as well as demonstration of regulatory compliance.

Capabilities and Features

Editor Module

This feature allows users to upload, visualise, navigate and gain an understanding of an information standards definition, as well as fully editing, updating and storing the information standard. It offers automatic consistency checking of the standards, creating a detailed audit trail of any changes that have been applied to them.

Viewer Module

The viewer module means trusted, published information standards can be shared across the business and also with partners (EPCs) and vendors. All role players consuming and creating information can access, compare, navigate, visualise and gain understanding of the information standard.

Non-Disruptive Deployment and Use

AVEVA Information Standards Manager works with existing information sources as well as authoring applications, so making their information available to all business processes in a standardised form.