AVEVA Diagrams™ Draw on Added Intelligence

Experience the benefits of easy creation of PFDs, P&IDs and other schematics, which integrate with engineering and 3D design.

Minimise Rework in Design, Construction and Commissioning

Unlike with ‘dumb’ 2D CAD layout tools, when AVEVA Diagrams users are creating draft P&IDs (and other schematics), the application is, in fact, populating a database with the objects entered into the drawing (lines, equipment, instruments, valves and fittings and more), so creating an ‘intelligent’ drawing – and environment.

Each of these objects – including the data associated with them – is shared with the multi-discipline engineering teams. This ensures consistency between schematics, engineering and 3D, ultimately reducing the need for rework in design, construction and commissioning.

A Data-Driven Approach – The Highlights

  • Create intelligent drawings with a wealth of useful information which is stored in a database.
  • Schematics data is managed together with the 3D and engineering data in the same project environment, so ensuring consistency and improving collaboration.
  • Efficient drafting of P&IDs, PFDs and other schematics by intelligent copy-and-paste.
  • Auto-formatting rules and rule-based mechanisms allow better control of data consistency and completeness.
  • Simplified global work sharing changes between two revisions of the diagram (or the diagram data) can be viewed with ease, both graphically and in the grid view, by making use of the powerful change-highlighting capability. In addition, changes made by designers and engineers from other disciplines on the project can be quickly and simply accepted through the Compare & Update function.
  • AVEVA Diagrams users can access reference data from other applications with ease – and vice versa.

Features and Capabilities

Reduced Man-Hours

Dedicated, efficient schematic design functions for maximum productivity.

Reduced System Administration Expenses

Making use of the common technology platform within AVEVA Engineering & Design cuts down on system administration costs, as a result of having one, centralised source.

Improved Quality

The full set of diagrams can be inspected for consistency and customised rule completeness across the entire project. This feature improves quality while minimising rework in both production and design.

Design. Engineering. Collaboration

During the process of diagram drafting, automatic actions and rules can help users in creating fully consistent diagrams. This aids in avoiding costly downstream errors. When utilised as a part of an integrated AVEVA software deployment, AVEVA Diagrams adds P&ID data into the complete project information model, so exposing it to the complete range of AVEVA’s design, collaboration, engineering and lifecycle management technologies.
AVEVA Diagrams is one of AVEVA’s Engineer products. It creates schematics, datasheets, diagrams and engineering lists, as well as indexes.