Risk Assessment
A rule-driven, configurable framework guides the user in assessing every relevant risk, as well as in making the appropriate decisions.

Work Permit Management
A rule-driven, configurable framework manages the complete existence of each Work Permit – from creation to closure and archiving.

Work Activity Plotting
Unique, best-in-class visualisation features display the various work locations on the asset, so enabling task clashes to be avoided. It also highlights opportunities for the coordination of tasks in close physical proximity.

Isolation Planning and Execution
Both electrical and mechanical isolations can be applied quickly, consistently and in compliance with best practice and applicable regulations. By direct visual interaction with intelligent P&IDs, mechanical isolation plans can be efficiently created.

Safe Job Analysis
Structured, template-based identification of causes, effects and risks is complemented by controlled documentation of safety meetings, as well as management of the approval process.

Lessons Learned Reporting
Continued improvement of operational processes in order to increase efficiency and drive down risk is supported by tools for capturing lessons learned on individual tasks and identifying common factors in their execution.