Production Efficiency Optimised
- An out-of-the-box, dedicated Situational Awareness Workspace offering consistent, flexible, rich context for operators – and a new way to create context-aware SCADA visualisation.
- Smoothly integrated Trending, Alarming, Interlocks and Control data, together in one interface, across multiple monitors – without any coding required.
- Assists with minimising visual distractions for operators, allowing for timeous decision-making and enabling the mitigation of risk as well as operational downtime.
- Equipment-driven interface empowers operators with holistic, real-time situational context, so helping to improve efficiency and ensure timeous corrective action.
Engineering Cost Reductions
- An out-of-the-box symbol library significantly cuts down on time building graphics, while offering the flexibility to customise objects according to your unique requirements.
- A wide range of configurable symbols adhering to industry best practices, for Situational Awareness / Abnormal Situation Management.
- Pinned windows, animated polyline vertices and named animations assist in simplifying the engineering experience.
- Advancements in new workspace concept and graphics system significantly reduces time spent creating complex layouts.
Increased Operator Awareness
- In-built navigation zone within Workspace offers an instant visual alarm summary, with immediate focus on abnormal situations, diplaying the highest-priority alarm for a piece of equipment.
- Alarm indicators speedily draw operators’ attention, assisting in the location of the source of anomalies and associated severity.
- Alarm Shelving enables you to mute alarms temporarily for a specific time duration, or until a specified time, with the ability to re-shelve as required.
- Give operators the information they need to deal with abnormal situations by defining up to 8 Cause(s), Response(s) and Consequence(s) for your alarms.