A leading, flexible and robust Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software solution designed for industrial process clients

A Vision for Complete Integration

Citect SCADA offers intuitive configuration tools combined with powerful engineering features, enabling you to streamline and consolidate control from an increasing array of input sources. Powerful visualisation capabilities allow you a holistic view of operations, empowering you to not only optimise the present, but also catch a glimpse of the future in the design and acceleration on your journey of Digital Transformation.

Engineering Simplicity, Agility and Scalability

Learn more about how our leading versatile, reliable and high-performance Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software has been assisting a broad variety of global industrial process customers for over three decades.

Simplifying and Fast-tracking Digital Transformation

Streamlined functionalities and connectivity to complementary software and hardware offerings enable Citect SCADA to deliver a robust, intuitive, real-time monitoring solution.
This allows customers to harness the value of their process data and take back control of their operations – with the bandwidth to focus on speeding up their journeys of digital transformation.

Latest Citect SCADA Innovations

Learn more about some of the latest exciting Citect SCADA enhancements. These include improved integration, visualisation and mobility capabilities – and find out how we are assisting in empowering operators to harness their process data, advance engineering efficiencies and streamline their digital transformations.

Citect SCADA – Empowering Organisations

Citect SCADA offers a range of features that enable operators to harness an ever-growing array of data sets. The software enables a consolidated, context-aware view of operations as well as enhanced visualisation capabilities, allowing them to be more efficient than ever before.

Production Efficiency Optimised

Production Efficiency Optimised

  • An out-of-the-box, dedicated Situational Awareness Workspace offering consistent, flexible, rich context for operators – and a new way to create context-aware SCADA visualisation.
  • Smoothly integrated Trending, Alarming, Interlocks and Control data, together in one interface, across multiple monitors – without any coding required.
  • Assists with minimising visual distractions for operators, allowing for timeous decision-making and enabling the mitigation of risk as well as operational downtime.
  • Equipment-driven interface empowers operators with holistic, real-time situational context, so helping to improve efficiency and ensure timeous corrective action.

Engineering Cost Reductions

Engineering Cost Reductions

  • An out-of-the-box symbol library significantly cuts down on time building graphics, while offering the flexibility to customise objects according to your unique requirements.
  • A wide range of configurable symbols adhering to industry best practices, for Situational Awareness / Abnormal Situation Management.
  • Pinned windows, animated polyline vertices and named animations assist in simplifying the engineering experience.
  • Advancements in new workspace concept and graphics system significantly reduces time spent creating complex layouts.

Increased Operator Awareness

Increased Operator Awareness

  • In-built navigation zone within Workspace offers an instant visual alarm summary, with immediate focus on abnormal situations, diplaying the highest-priority alarm for a piece of equipment.
  • Alarm indicators speedily draw operators’ attention, assisting in the location of the source of anomalies and associated severity.
  • Alarm Shelving enables you to mute alarms temporarily for a specific time duration, or until a specified time, with the ability to re-shelve as required.
  • Give operators the information they need to deal with abnormal situations by defining up to 8 Cause(s), Response(s) and Consequence(s) for your alarms.

Citect SCADA Benefits

Significantly less engineering time with a context-aware workspace. An out-of-the-box library of symbols, faceplates, navigation, alarming tools and more.

Reduced operator distractions and increased awareness. This is achieved by drawing operators’ attention to areas that require their specific focus.

Improved operational productivity and real-time decision-making, with easily accessible integrated Alarm Cause, Consequence & Response information.

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